What Pool Cover Should I Buy?

There are some options when it comes to covering your in-ground pool. The most popular types are mesh, solid, and automatic covers.

Standard Winter Covers

A standard winter cover is cost effective but not as durable. Although it keeps out sunlight, it does not last that long. It may only last for about one to three seasons. It does keep debris and leaves out of your pool, but any water that collects on the cover will need to be removed. You will need a pump to remove that excess water so that it does not weigh down the cover.

Security Covers

Your next options are types of security covers. For these, there are two types: mesh and solid. Both covers resemble and look similar to a trampoline.


Mesh covers allow rain and snow to fall into the pool through the strainer-like cover. The cover allows leaves, debris, and insects to collect on top making it easier to skim off the cover. Small and fine particles and runoff water could make its way into the pool. The mesh cover does allow for less maintenance during the winter months with its strainer-like capabilities.


The other type of security cover is a solid cover. This is the most durable of pool covers. This is held down with spring-like contraptions to the edge of the pool. It is very tight and looks like a trampoline. This does not allow extra water to seep into the pool. Any debris, dirt, leaves, or insects on the surface of the cover can easily be swept away. Any standing water on the cover would need to be pumped to avoid the pool cover sagging into the pool. Although these covers are a bit more costly, they will last longer than your standard cover and ensure a successful winter season.

Automatic Covers

Automatic pool covers are popular but not the best when it comes to covering your pool for the winter. These are better for when the pool is open during the summer months. You could have a buildup of snow and ice on the cover which could cause a hole to form on the vinyl cover. Sharp sticks that are frozen in the ice could also puncture holes in the material. It is recommended to buy a separate cover for the winter months.

Buying a pool cover involves some planning and knowing which one is best for you.

If you would like more information on pool covers, contact Rin Robyn today!

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