Swimming and Coordination

Along with many other physical benefits, swimming has been shown to increase coordination.  Image by tookapic from Pixabay Practicing different strokes in the water, or even just doggy paddling all require a good amount of physical coordination to pull off.  Image by Jan Haerer from Pixabay Having better coordination can help to increase reaction time … Read more

Fountain of Youth

Maybe the secret to eternal youth was swimming all along.  Individuals who swim 3-5 times a week have been shown to have improved blood pressure, muscle mass, pulmonary function, and blood chemistry.  Photo by Carlos Felipe Vericat Sanz on Unsplash These metrics typically get worse as aging continues, but those who often swim postpone the … Read more

Social Benefits of a Pool

Pools offer many different social aspects in relation to both family and friends.  The pool can act as a setting for family visits, celebrations, and even the most casual get-togethers.  Photo by Ash Dowie on Unsplash It can also be an educational opportunity for young children, or a place for some friendly competition.  Photo by … Read more

Swimming and Sleep

Swimming pools and swim spas are not only great for the daylight hours, they can even benefit you throughout the night!  Swimming is a great activity to relax your body and mind and help you to sleep. Swimming burns around 350 to 420 calories an hour, depending on how hard you are working. Swimming is … Read more

Summer Sun!

Summer is always regarded as a fun and energetic time of the year, and the time spent in your pool or outside in general plays a large role in this. Spending time in the sunlight boosts serotonin, the chemical in your brain that gives you energy and helps promote positivity.  Additionally, the vitamin D gained … Read more

Swimming as Exercise

Pools are great for general recreation and spending time with family or friends, but there is also an added benefit of getting in your daily exercise!  Even lightly swimming in a pool acts as a full body workout, and the water allows for little to no impact on joints.  This helps to protect from injuries … Read more

Spa Maintenance Tips

Circulation, Filtration, Cleaning and Chemical Treatments are important factors to take into consideration when trying to keep your spa water crystal clear. Circulation is important to remove any stuck debris. It’s also important to ensure that chemicals are thoroughly distributed. Filtration includes cartridge filters. Because they catch the dirt, sweat and oils released in a … Read more

Spa Sanitizers to Clear Water

SpaGuard Header

Brominating Concentrate Single step, quick dissolving, bromine concentrate has no chlorine odor. This acts as a sanitizer and oxidizer which eliminates the need for multiple chemicals. It is easy to use with no pre-dissolution needed. You can add this into your hot tub while your pump is running. Benefits Instant bromine for spa water Acts … Read more